Session Selector is the tool potential presenters must use to submit applications to present at txEDCON. It also provides a way for board members, superintendents, and administrators to review the applications submitted and to share their feedback on which topics are of interest this year.
Session Selector will open April 1, 2025 to submit an application for txEDCON25.
More information will be available in early 2025.
If you have questions, contact Eric Simpson at TASA by emailing or calling 512-477-6361.
Helpful Resources
On This Page
- Submission Requirements
- Session Formats
- Session Content Categories
- Top Requested Topics
- Presenter Agreement
Submission Requirements
- Applications are accepted online only.
- Sessions are one (1) hour in length.
- No more than three (3) applications per school district or organization will be eligible for consideration.
- Sales presentations will NOT be accepted.
- All sessions regarding legal topics must include at least one licensed attorney in the presenting group; preference will be given to presenters who are members of the Texas Council of School Attorneys (CSA).
- Vendors must present alongside a school district representative to be considered. Governmental agencies, ESCs and Universities are not considered vendors. Proposals without public school district representation will be rejected.
- "To Be Determined" or blank placeholders for panelists or co-presenters will not be accepted.
- All presenters (main and co-presenters) must register and pay the appropriate fee to attend txEDCON.
- TASA | TASB will not contact co-presenters, it is the main presenter’s responsibility to relay all session guidelines and information to the co-presenters; up to three co-presenters may be designated and published in the program
Session Formats
Open Discussion
Moderator-facilitated, in-depth conversation with participants serving as key contributors around a specific issue or topic concerning education. Participants are responsible for much of the content shared, as well as which issues receive the most discussion.
Moderator-led discussion with experts in the field with an opportunity for audience Q&A. Features multiple superintendents, board members, or other experts in conversation with each other to advance participant understanding about an important issue in education.
Formal presentation by an expert, often featuring a visual component (e.g., PowerPoint) designed to inform the audience about a specific issue or topic and demonstrate key components of a particular education approach. Limited opportunities for hands-on or collaboration during the session.
Session Content Categories
Content should focus on developing the knowledge or skills of trustees in any of the themes of the Framework for School Board Development.
- Vision and Goals
- Shared vision, district goals, strategic planning
- Systems and Processes
- Human resources, professional development, curriculum and instruction, budgeting, bonds, policy, school law, facilities, school safety, and cybersecurity
- Progress and Accountability
- Student learning outcomes, progress monitoring, superintendent evaluation, state and local accountability
- Advocacy and Engagement
- Building partnerships and engaging community, parents, and businesses; legislative advocacy; public school advocacy
- Synergy and Teamwork
- Roles and responsibilities, ethics, teamwork, collaboration among Team of 8
See txEDCON24 Standard Session Categories (pdf) for examples.
Top Requested Topics
- District Culture
- Marketing and Messaging of Public Schools
- Practices for Engaging Students, Parents and Other Community Members
- School Safety
- State and Local Accountability Plans
- Student Academic Performance
- Teacher Recruitment and Retention
Presenter Agreement
Please view additional details on the Presenter Agreement page.
Submission of an application does not guarantee selection. Notification of acceptance/rejection of applications will be e-mailed by mid-June.
If you have questions, contact Eric Simpson at TASA by emailing or calling 512-477-6361.